My Clients

Nourish your mind, body and spirit

“Owning your story is the bravest thing you will ever do” – Brene Brown

Ships in a harbor are safe but that is not what ships are built for”- John Shedd

I specialize in the following areas:

  • Anxiety/Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Depression
  • Adolescent and college students
  • Couples counseling and sex therapy

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is an unpleasant emotional state that can range from mild unease to intense fear. Anxiety differs from fear in that while fear is a rational response to a real danger, anxiety usually lacks a clear or realistic cause. Some anxiety is normal and in fact healthy. However high levels of anxiety, particularly over an extended period of time can lead to significant health problems. In fact, anxiety already comes with common physical symptoms including heart palpitations, tightness in chest, tension in the back and neck muscles. Other symptoms can include dry mouth, dizziness, digestive problems, excessive sweating. People who are anxious often have a feeling that something bad is going to happen, may have racing thoughts, difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep are common.

What is Post Traumatic Stress disorder?

Post Traumatic Stress disorder develops after a person experiences a shocking, scary or dangerous event. It is a disorder in which victims are often left feeling insecure, anxious, with a diminished capacity for joy and intimacy. Post Traumatic Stress disorder is characterized by the symptoms that were noted above. Like the symptoms in Anxiety, people frequently feel that they are in danger when no risk of danger is present. This leads to avoidant behavior. In addition, people may feel their anxiety triggered when they are reminded of their trauma. Reminders of trauma can be someone directly asking about the trauma or it can be the simple scent of something or a visual cue. Flashbacks, nightmares, hypervigilance (easily startled), feeling disoriented and out of control are all common symptoms of P.T.S.D. It is a condition that people describe as intolerable and unbearable. Despite the symptoms we experience, human beings are very resilient. There is hope for re-gaining mastery over our lives and establishing stable, trusting relationships once again.

What is Depression?

Depression refers to feelings of low self-esteem , pessimism and despair. It can range from a low mood, feelings of sadness to severe clinical depression and thoughts of suicide. It is characterized by poor appetite,  weight loss or weight gain, Insomnia or excessive sleep (hypersomnia), loss of interest in doing pleasurable activities, decrease in sex drive, loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness, and difficulty concentrating.

Adolescents and emotional eating

Every stage in our lives brings about changes. These changes can be positive transitions, accomplished goals and milestones. However, within these stages, some may experience severe stress and struggle to meet milestones that are usually experienced within a certain life stage. Adolescence is perhaps the most difficult developmental stage. Not only does puberty start,  teenagers are struggling to solidify their identity within their family lives, school lives and social relationships. The need for security, structure, emotional connection and attachment are paramount at this time. Parents who are raising teenagers may find themselves struggling to balance their teens’ need for security and need for autonomy. Tensions and conflict within family life can be high during this time. Every person is unique, and every person has their own way of coping with stress. Teenagers are no exception to this rule. Some coping skills may not always be healthy such as emotional eating. Emotional eating is when one turns to food for comfort when facing a problem, feeling stressed, or even bored. Using food to make oneself feel better instead of eating to satisfy physical hunger can have serious consequences to health and body image, which can lead to low self esteem.

Couples Counseling

inner child

“Love” by Alexandr Milov

This sculpture is open to interpretation. Ukrainian artist Alexandr Milov said this about his sculpture, that feature two wire-frame adults sitting back to back with their inner children reaching out to each other from within…”It demonstrates a conflict between a man and a woman as well as the outer and inner expression of human nature. Their inner selves are executed in the form of transparent children, who are holding out their hands through the grating. As it’s getting dark (night falls) the children start to shine. The shining is a symbol of purity and sincerity that brings people together and gives  a chance of making up when the dark time arrives.”

Couples who are in a committed relationship may seek counseling for a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons include an inability to communicate effectively and respectfully, not getting one’s needs met, arguments related to life goals, family planning, lifestyle choices, lack of intimacy, different parenting styles, infidelity. Negative behavior and communication patterns can create upheaval and breed resentment and lack of trust. Couples counseling can help to rebuild trust and connection, healthier patterns of communication and more enjoyable levels of intimacy.  During couples sessions, I encourage people to consider whether issues pertaining to  sexuality might be contributing to problems. I strive to help people overcome feelings of shame , guilt, and embarrassment while speaking openly about this topic. For many, this topic can feel rather taboo but, let’s face it , our sexuality is a core part of who we are and working holistically to help resolve problems might include taking a look at this aspect of your life. Issues around sexuality can contribute to feelings of anxiety, depression , etc . Likewise, pre-existing mental health issues can affect the way we express ourselves within our sexuality.

In addition to couples counseling, I teach couples who are struggling to re-establish their connection and intimacy with one another how to cook. I like to provide recipes that help to reignite lost sparks and passion within a relationship.

gastronomy couple